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New Patient Chiropractic Consultation, examination & diagnosis 

If you have never seen our Chiropractor before, you will need to allow time for a 45- 50 minute New Patient Chiropractic Consultation and Exam. Treatment is charged separately and only starts after the Report of Findings has been explained to you by the chiropractor.


Treatment with our Chiropractor

For this appointment you must already be a Regular/ Maintenance patient with Mike. This appointment can only be booked by those who have already attended the New Patient Chiropractic Consultation, Exam and received their diagnosis.

Note: If have visited our clinic before but you have not seeing the chiropractor for 2+ years, you will need to book a Return Patient appointment first.

Central Farnham location with easy and free parking to enjoy during your appointment. 

Contact us if you have any questions!

Alexandra House, Hone's Business Park, 1 Waverley Lane, Farnham, GU9 8BB (entrance via Broomleaf Road)
We are 2 minutes' walk from Farnham train station & level crossing.

©2020 by Elstead Chiropractic Clinic.

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